33rd PSYART International Conference on Psychology and the Arts

AffichePsyArtThe 33rd PSYART International Conference on Psychology and the Arts will be held at the Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France, June 29-July 4, 2016. The conference is sponsored by the PsyArt Foundation and the CIRLEP research department.

Le XXXIIIe Congrès international PSYART sur la Psychologie et les Arts aura lieu à l’Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne du 29 juin au 4 juillet 2016. Le Congrès est organisé par la Fondation PsyArt et par le laboratoire CIRLEP.


Wednesday, June 29

6:00-7:30 pm – Reception “Vin d’Honneur”: Hôtel de Ville (City Hall), Salon de Mars, Place de Hôtel de Ville. The celebrated Champagne Quaffers will perform. Dinner on your own afterwards.

Thursday, June 30

9:00-9:15 am – Coffee – Espace détente

9:15-9:30 – Welcoming remarks Room 1005

Session 1: Ego, Superego, and Id Room 1005

  • Robert Silhol, How I Was Betrayed by the Ego

Session 2: Forms of Psychiatry Room 1005

  • Adrian Chapman, Radical Psychiatry, Radical Writing: A Report from the R. D. Laing Archive
  • Jeffrey Berman, Pharmascolds and Pharmasirens: Psychiatry’s Two Cultures

Session 3: Trauma and the American Novel Room 1004

  • Christelle Ha Soon, “Not a Story to Pass On”: Overcoming the Trauma of Slavery in Toni Morrison’s Beloved
  • Tony Hughes-d’Aeth, Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: The Primal Scene as a Narrative Epistemology

11:00-11:15 – Coffee break – Espace détente

Session 4: Dream Symbolism Room 1005

  • Rebecca Gimeno, The Image as Dream: Reflections on Heartbreak, Archetypal Imagery, and Gustave Moreau’s Painting “A Dead Poet Being Carried by a Centaur”
  • Maria Kardaun, Dream Symbolism

Session 5: Twentieth Century American Novel Room 1004

  • Marleen Stevens, The Death Drive is Not Yet Dead : Sylvia Plath’s Novel The Bell Jar Revisited
  • Bent Sørensen, Who Needs Religion When You Have The Desert?

12:15-1:30 – Lunch Espace détente

Session 6: Folk Tale and Fairy Tale Room 1005

  • Namiko Haruki, Hospitality to the Real
  • Aqsa Khalid, A Study of Jungian Archetypal Patterns in Selected Fairy Tales
  • Ellen Handler Spitz, Toward a Psychology of Fairy Tales

Session 7: Painting Room 1004

  • Puy Soden, Grounding Painting: An Artist-Researcher’s Experience of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s ‘Flesh of the Gestalt’
  • Laura Gonzalez, What Does Hysteria Want From Me?
  • Dulce Anacion, Painting in Incarceration: Jie’ur’s Sanctum

3:00-3:15 – Coffee break

Session 8: Film, TV, and Madness Room 1005

  • Ágnes Hortobágyi, “Today art is all but dead anyway”: The Metaphysical Horror of Madness in Jan Švankmajer’s Film Lunacy
  • Erwin Erhardt, Madness in ‘Western’ Civilization: Images from The Big Valley (1965-69)

Session 9: Play and Creativity Room 1004

  • Monika Chylińska, Pretend Play and its Possible Connections with Creativity and Imagination
  • Ekaterina Muravevskaia, Storytelling Through Constructivist Lenses: Fairytale as a Tool for Teaching Culture-Related Topics in an Art Classroom

5:00 pm – Walking tour starts outside the Office de Tourisme at 6 Rue Rockefeller, (the street in front of the Cathedral). Wear good walking shoes. Tour covers the Cathedral and Art Déco Reims. Ends 7:00 pm. Dinner on your own.

Friday, July 1

9:00-10:00 am  
Session 10: Nineteenth Century British Novel Room 1005

  • Sarah Frühwirth, Sensational Self-Defeat: The Case of Rhoda Broughton’s Not Wisely but Too Well
  • Catharina Hellberg, Disruptive Semiotics: A Kristevan Reading of the Imagery in Thomas Hardy’s Desperate Remedies

Session 11: Charlie Chaplin and Woody Allen Room 1004

  • Claire Hershman, Charles Chaplin’s Limelight
  • Solange Leibovici, Woody Allen’s Zelig: The Joke as Synthome

Session 12: Ghosts and Phantoms Room 1005

  • Antal Bókay, Enigmatic Stories: Phantom and Trauma in Hamlet
  • Gavriel Reisner, The Ancestral Father and the Ghosted Self in Conrad’s Lord Jim

Session 13: Ecopsychology Room 1004

  • Mary Valentis, Good Breast, Bad Breast: Fantasies of Terrestrial Matricide and the Regressive Imaginary of Climate Change
  • Joseph Dodds, An Entomology of Art: Insects in the Three Ecologies

11:05-11:20 – Coffee break

Session 14: Shakespeare Room 1005

  • Sharanya Sridhar, Shylock’s Repressed Desire: Re-reading Shylock through Hysteria
  • Laura Vogel, As You Like It: A Dream Play

Session 15: Ian McEwan’s Novel The Children Act Room 1004

  • Aino-Maija Lahtinen, Binding, Unbinding, and Rebinding in The Children Act
  • Claire Kahane, Music, Empathy and Narrative Movement in Ian McEwan’s The Children Act

12:20-1:45 – Lunch

Session 16: British Modernism: Lawrence, Woolf, Joyce Room 1005

  • Emel Zorluolgu, How to Create Machines Out of Humans
  • Alexander Venetis, Freudian and Jamesian Rhetoric and Ideas in Virginia Woolf’s Literary Manifestos

Session 17: Contemporary Poetry Room 1004

  • Calum Neill, The Particular in Poetry, or How Psychology has Colonised the Expression of Experience
  • Felicity Powell, Ted Hughes, Primal Mentality and the Psychology of Tricksters
  • Shanee Stepakoff, Representations of Failure in Contemporary Poetry: A Jungian Perspective

Session 18: American Literature and War Room 1005

  • Reiko Nitta, J.D. Salinger and WW II
  • Donald Vanouse, The Survival Value of Art in Mourning WW I

Session 19: Research into Psychology and the Arts Room 1004

  • Piotr Francuz, What Exactly Do You Mean When You Say That This Painting is Beautiful?
  • Martin Gliserman, Cultural Neurology: Unconscious Rules of Semantic Distribution in 100 Novels

4:20-4:35 – Coffee break

4:35-5:45 – Directors meeting of the Psyart Foundation (directors only) Room 1004

Sunday, July 2

Session 20: Twentieth Century Painting Room 1005

  • Marcello Mangano, Picasso’s Guernica: Trajectories of a Paranoid Elaboration of Mourning
  • Marike Steeman, Rothko’s Tears: The Painter’s Process and His Object Relations
  • Burton Melnick, Cézanne’s Apples: Disengaged Contemplation of the Object of Delight

Session 21: Contemporary British Fiction Room 1004

  • Ivan Čipkár, Between Fancy and Distress: Cognitive Universals and Reader Identity in the Interpretations of Neil Gaiman’s Short Works
  • Aycan Akçamete, The Failure of the Law and the Embrace of Multiple Sexualities in Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve
  • Elizabeth Fox, The Monstrous Maternal: Bad Mothers and Abandoned Children in Pat Barker’s Noonday (2016)

10:30-10:45 – Coffee break

Session 22: The Novel Room 1005

  • Michael Graziano, The Real Space of Critique
  • Rainer Kaus, Émile Zola’s The Belly of Paris: The Natural and Social History of a Family in the Second Empire
  • Renée Von Paschen, Coping with Capgras

Session 23: French Film Room 1004

  • Neha Bhatia, Plurality and Corporeality in Francois Ozon’s Young and Beautiful (2013)
  • Natalie Strobach, A Fish with a Fig: A Narrative Time of Possibility
  • Nancy Blake, Far From Men: Existential Choice in the Twenty-First Century

12:15-1:45 – Lunch

Session 24: Film and Film Posters Room 1005

  • Pablo Perez, In Reality Lies Fantasy: A Psychoanalytic Study of Iñarritu’s Birdman (2015)
  • Valerie Deacon, Deconstructing the Visual: Critical Analysis as a Sign System, Mediating through Film Posters
  • Rainer Koeppl, Hitchcock, Freud, and the Tinseltown Dream Factory

Session 25: Literature and Memory Room 1004

  • Flavio de Oliveira, The Workshop: Memory and Labour Fiction
  • Kim Eyre, Time out of Mind: The Therapeutic Power of Edward Thomas’s “Adlestrop”
  • Simon du Plock, Ontological Insecurity and the “Immense Sensibility” of the Jamesian Novel

3:15-3:30 Coffee break

Session 26: American Film Room 1005

  • Sharon King, Fantastic Falls: Narratives of the Narcissist in Blade Runner, Aliens, and Avatar
  • Emily Fox-Kales, Guilty Pleasures: Unruly Bodies and Appetites for Sex, Food and Love in American Romantic Comedy
  • Andrew Gordon, Bipolar Boys: Manic-Depressive Children in the Films of Steven Spielberg
Sunday, July 3

9:00-10:00 am
Session 27: Jokes and the Unconscious – Room 1005

  • Leah Bowron, Penis Envy: Denis Breen’s Freudian Moniker in Joyce’s Ulysses
  • Jerry Flieger, “So these two therapists walk into a bar…”: Freud in the Locker Room, Lacan in the Jail Yard

Session 28: Film and Gender – Room 1005

  • Samir Dayal, Trappings of the Body: New Masculinities and “the Natural” in Indian Cinema
  • Camelia Elias, Mute Medea: Pasolini’s Voice

11:00-11:15 – Coffee break

11:15-12:00 – PsyArt Foundation business meeting (all registered conferees are members of the Foundation and are invited and encouraged to attend and to VOTE) Room 1005

12:00-12:15 – Group photos (bring your cameras!)

12:15-1:15 – Lunch

1:30 – Bus leaves from campus. Be on time. Tour Le Chemin des Dames and La Caverne du Dragon. The bus will return us 6:30 to Reims and the Cave de Champagne Cazanove to tour their cellar and have our closing banquet.

Monday, June 4

8:30 am-6:00 pm – Departure. Or optional post-conference TOUR of the winemaking region with vineyard visit at Hautvilliers, lunch in Soissons, and the Château de Blérancourt and its Franco-American Museum. (Tour is sold out.) Bus leaves 8.30 am from the hotel and returns at 6 pm.


Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
Campus Croix Rouge – Bâtiment 18
57, rue Pierre Taittinger – Reims
Tram A ou B – Arrêt : “Campus Croix-Rouge”


mercredi 29, jeudi 30 juin, vendredi 1er,  samedi 2, dimanche 3 et lundi 4 juillet 2016

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administrateur (7 juin 2016). 33rd PSYART International Conference on Psychology and the Arts. Les Cahiers du CIRLEP. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/mu1t